Sanger West High School Chapter Number: 1547c
California Scholarship Federation is a statewide organization that honors students who excel in academics. Students who take rigorous academic coursework, earn at least 3 A’s and 1 B, and can meet deadlines may apply.
Through CSF Students can apply for CSF Member Specific Scholarship Opportunities.
Students can also earn life membership through the organization to receive a gold cord to wear at graduation and sit near the front of the graduation space.
Please note that a new application is required to be submitted each semester, and that CSF bylaws require application deadlines to consistently be near the end of the 4th week of each semester- no exceptions will be made for late applications.
For more information please see our FAQ Page or explore the CSF Website.
Join the Google Classroom to Apply!
Code: 6tjkdsw
Get Remind Updates about when applications are due each semester: @swhscsf